
The page you requested does not exist. For your convenience, a search was performed using the query node OR company OR services. Not quite what you were looking for? Other results.

[Drupal] PHP呼叫新增內容頁面

有時候我們想在某個Drupal 區塊或網頁中呈現如問題回應頁面或某個類型內容頁面該使用者直接編輯

如今天在FAQ View面頁中,下面可以呈現直接輸入新的問題,我們可以利用 php 呼叫其相關的頁面

首先第一要先知道呼叫內容類型的 機器ID如myquestions

echo "<div id=qa_questions>";
echo "(在此輸入你的問題)";
global $user;
if (!function_exists('node_add')) {
  module_load_include('inc', 'node', 'node.pages');

$the_form = node_add('myquestions');

print drupal_render($the_form);
echo "</div>";

