

  1. [Traveler]當信件被設為禁止轉呈(複製)(這份文件會設定為禁止複製及複寫。已移除內容。請使用Lotus Notes或iNotes用戶端來存取內容)

    ... document is set to prohibit copying and duplicating. The content has been removed. Please use a Lotus Notes or iNotes client to access the content." 瀏覽次數:2672 ...

    服務事件 - mark - 05/12/2015 - 06:17 - 1 篇回應

  2. [Drupal]如制定次分類項目 Panel

    ... panel的view即可 1.首先新增一個veiw Content pannel(並在上下文過濾器選擇 Content: Has taxonomy term ID...) 2.修改  Argument Inpu ...

    文章 - siteadmin - 05/14/2015 - 09:37 - 1 篇回應

  3. [Domino]如何讓queue在mail.box的低優先權發送呢?

    ...   The value in field: DeliveryPriority   With the new value 空白  ...

    文章 - siteadmin - 06/26/2014 - 08:04 - 1 篇回應

  4. statrep.nsf資料庫太大

    ... longer need the data, you can delete the statrep.nsf and a new one will be created when the Lotus® Domino® server is restarted. ...

    服務事件 - mark - 05/12/2015 - 06:17 - 1 篇回應

  5. windows 2008啟動Domino出現互動式服務對話方塊偵測錯誤(domino服務無啟動)

    ... the traditional server console window will not appear on the new WindowsServer 2008 platform. This is because, any service running under ...

    服務事件 - mark - 05/12/2015 - 06:17 - 1 篇回應

  6. 在domino console 看到NoteOpenCallback: hNote=0, (source)NoteID=xxxxx,status=0xyyy=Invalid or nonexistent document, hDestDB=

    為何會出現此訊息? ...

    服務事件 - mark - 05/12/2015 - 06:17 - 1 篇回應